紅包!鞭炮!團圓飯! 農曆春節馬上要到囉~~ (chinese New Year)【學習單、字卡】 (chinese dragon)【歌謠】 Chinese New Year Song 改編 Mary Had a Little Lamb What’s Your Zodiac Sign? 一次學會十二生肖單字 (chinese guardian lion)【影片】 新年可愛動畫 Cultural Traditions for Children - The Chinese New Year 新年影片介紹 + 活動學習單 Celebrating Chinese New Year 月亮小子向小青蛙介紹農曆新年 What is the Lunar New Year? 新年大發現 Bet You Didn’t Know: Chinese New Year (Asian lanterns)【故事】 RUBY’S CHINESE NEW YEAR Book Read Aloud Story of Nian, a Chinese New Year Story
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